project manifesto
The increasing political polarisation of society and the pervasive penetration of social media in all spheres of our life have created ideal conditions for the deliberate spread of disinformation to mislead, deceive citizens, generate financial profits and gain political advantage. The cryptographic and anonymously hosted websites or pseudonymous authors make it difficult to legally prosecute such untruthful sources for misinformation and defamation. As a result, fake news, fabricated documents, media hoaxes and political propaganda have overwhelmed social and traditional media. The number of reposts of fake news on Facebook has exceeded the number of reposts of the true ones, due to the fact that fake news is more in line with readers' expectations or seems more compelling to them. The deliberate spreading of malicious lies has contributed to a rapid decline in trust and tolerance of opponents, as well as the development of paranoia in the online community. Post-truth, in which objective facts are less relevant in shaping public opinion than appellation to emotions and personal unverified and unreliable biases, has overwhelmed global information flows, which in modern society are now deliberately composed by media falsifiers to create a virtual reality that differs from the actual reality in order to manipulate public consciousness.

A defining feature of post-truth politics is that its participants keep repeating their theses, even if they have been refuted in the media or by independent experts. The lies spread by politicians or their supporters on the internet through a network of users can very quickly replace the truth. The fragmentation of information sources creates a situation in which lies, gossip and rumours spread with extraordinary speed, and it takes a lot of time and effort to find and clarify reliable information. As Sir Winston Churchill said, "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on". Truth and the pursuit of truth, however, are fundamental values both for individuals and for the society as a whole. The tradition of truth-seeking is the basis for Russian philosophical thought. Combining the ideal of true knowledge, the requirement of universal justice and standards of high morality, truth acts as a defining cognitive and normative principle of Russian spirituality.

Some scholars of the 20th century (Russian philosophers N.N.Alekseev, M.V.Shakhmatov, P.I.Novgorodtsev, etc.) expressed the need of building a system of social administration based on truth as a political ideal. The state of truth is distinguished by its focus on the moral content of power, its asceticism and service to the people. In such a system, people and power do not come to an agreement by means of violence and mutual restrictions, but through common efforts to achieve the truth on the basis of relations imbued with mutual trust.

Sooner or later, the achievements of modern information technology, which have led to the flourishing of manipulative demagogic oratory and polemical techniques and tools to mislead and win over audiences through false theoretical reasoning based on logical mistakes and sophisms to achieve selfish goals in advertising, politics and propaganda, simply have to correct their mistakes and provide humanity with the necessary tools to solve this global problem.

A free information society is waiting for and demanding a truth!

Computer algorithms for collective shaping, distributed cloud storage and independent confirmation of ownership of any information based on blockchain technology, smart contracts, non-fungible tokens and relational databases enable to be built a new type of social information network. In such a network, any information messages can be registered by means of smart contracts using a digital signature scheme in the form of unique non-fungible tokens, which are records in a cloud register distributed in a blockchain that makes it possible to logically link information tokens from different accounts.

In such a network, formal and mathematical logic will enable users to find new meanings by applying laws and rules based on previously known information. Aristotle is considered to be the author of the first system of formal logic. He introduced the concept of syllogism and variables with which he denoted syllogism terms that allow logical conclusions to be made on the basis of the combination of simple attributive judgements. Despite the fact that the use of syllogisms does not provide us with new knowledge, the use of rules of construction of syllogisms allows to avoid logical errors and sophisms within the framework of the existing knowledge, which, combined with the well-developed methods of discussion and argumentation, one of the most significant studies of which in Russian is the work "Art of dispute" (1918) by S.I.Povarnin, makes formal logic a powerful weapon against demagogical tricks.

Any user of such an information smart-network will be able to look through and check all logical paths linking statements along the whole chain of inferences leading from a thesis to a thesis comprehensively from its beginning to its end, from Alpha to Omega, for consistency of each individual statement. Thus any user, who has found someone's statements inconsistency, can permanently fix the mistake he has found for the next generations and form his own new logical branch in the form of record, on the basis of which other users will find and publish new less contradictory knowledge.

There are two basic forms of lying — lying by distortion and lying by omission. LookApp will enable users to disavow the deception by cutting the false logic chains and instead to supplement the reliable logic chains with new unknown facts, expanding the horizons of knowledge available to all other users. As a result, the most valuable achievement of algorithm will be the ability to compare "whose truth is greater" in quantity, both in terms of the absolute number of facts and arguments and in terms of the percentage of consistent inferences and the frequency of demagogic techniques used.

An important advantage of blockchain technology for fulfilling such a task is the already existing basic algorithm for determining the longest main sequence of record blocks from any initial one to the last current one. Side branches containing records not confirmed by other users can be cut off, and all subsequent inferences drawn from them will receive no further confirmation and will automatically be excluded from quantitative comparison with valid logical chains.
A set of confirmed interrelated statements and inferences about a wide variety of issues for each individual will create a network or graph of inferences whose coherence, continuity and scale will clearly show the depth of each user's mind. Ranking by depth of users' minds will give additional weight to all statements by other users with which they agreed to (vouched for them with their authority) or shared (borrowed some ideas to justify the logic of their reasoning).

The most important result of the LookApp will be the ability to completely eliminate from the information space those participants who are not willing to literally "sign one" to their statements. Any campaign programs and promises and accusations of opponents must be digitally signed and permanently recorded in blockchain archives, and any user will have an opportunity to enable their devices to filter out irresponsible information.

Similar to the functionality of the online Internet archive Wayback Machine, LookApp will track changes in fundamental viewpoints and assess the consistency or fluctuations of the social, political, religious or other views of information agents.

Users' validated academic degrees and their Hirsch indexes, if connected to the LookApp ranking system, will make it possible to assess the aggregate scientometric score of any chain of claims and thus assess the degree of academic authority and scientific reputation of any user's inferences.

It is likely that the system will instantly face large-scale cyberwarfare like Wikipedia's existing "edit wars" — people can frequently change potentially conflicting data to gain the advantage of a particular view of its content. However, it is clear that almost simultaneously with the start of mass edits, there will be a spontaneous and natural division of users according to their measures of worldview breadth, scholarly authority, and consistency, which will enable other users to make a spectral selection of information provocateurs from experts who are responsible for their words.

Today two types of "post-truth" are known: in the first case falsifiers say one thing and do the opposite, and in the second case they simply ignore the available evidence. LookApp will provide mankind with a fundamentally new tool for tackling post-truth, which will make it possible to identify the consistency of any infoagent's statements with his actual actions and assess the consistency of his arguments with the available evidence.

We can predict that new LookApp smiles will emerge. They will automatically mark information messages built on logical chains that consist of unproven statements, show the status of authors who often change their point of view to the opposite one, who make constant logical errors in their reasoning, who like to use demagogic techniques or, vice versa, who have a strong scientific authority and a reputation of being experts in logic. The increase in the number of consistent inferences and the development of a personal network of logical constructs should change the previous priorities of users to increase the number of subscribers and accumulate the number of likes under their posts.

All needed technologies already exist, all we need is to combine the tools available to create new synergy effects. LookApp tags put into every internet post, like hyperlinks or hashtags, will give new meaning to information posts, all this will change the information landscape of social networks forever and revolutionize the media.
Reputation is a principle thing the whole world is lacking right now
Our target audience:
  • Readers and commentators — all those who want to see the whole picture and compare different points of view

  • Authors — academics, experts, bloggers, journalists and all other users who want to tell about important events

  • Aggregators — news portals and news agencies whose publications will get more attention and trust if they are highly ranked in LookApp
We need all the help we can get
If you are interested in investing in our project or are willing to offer your knowledge and skills, please contact us!
We need help of specialists in blockchain technology and distributed decentralized global databases architecture, specialists in mathematical analysis and optimization of logical networks topology, linguists, logicians and semantic analysts and artificial intelligence specialists.

If you are a blockchain architect, mathematician, UX/UI designer, front- or backend developer, linguist, QA or DevOps engineer, scrum master or lawyer, marketer, advertising specialist — we are looking forward to seeing you in our team!
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