worldwide blockchain project for analyzing the veracity of information
We create a platform to analyse the reliability of information on the internet and assess the reputation of its authors. We want to monetise reputation and revolutionise social networks and the media by making the publication of untrustworthy information ruinous for unscrupulous authors. Our goal is to create a tool to earn digital certificates of information accuracy and accumulate reputation cryptocurrency.
LookApp collects all important events, facts and documents signed by authors into protected logical blockchains. These are verified or refuted by other users, allowing mathematically to evaluate the event reliability rating, to sort information by the number of verifications/refutations and the scientific authority of sources, and to filter out falsifications, lies and irresponsible authors.

Different points of view on the same facts lead to a multiple branching of the logical chain of events. This may seem chaotic at first, but fake news never continue, so logical chains of credible events will gradually evolve, new supporting facts and documents will be added. In turn, this new information will be logically linked as a rebuttal to previously published fake news and documents, which will result in the rise or fall of their authors' ratings.

The project will allow to compare "whose truth is greater" both in terms of the number of facts and arguments published by users and in terms of the percentage of authors' uncontroversial conclusions and the frequency of their publications' refutation.

As a result, the algorithm pervades the entire Internet. Any information without a rating loses its credibility. Social networks, information and scientific resources will refer to LookApp. There is a competition for rating in the system.
Reputation is a principle thing the whole world is lacking right now
Our target audience:
  • Readers and commentators — all those who want to see the whole picture and compare different points of view

  • Authors — academics, experts, bloggers, journalists and all other users who want to tell about important events

  • Aggregators — news portals and news agencies whose publications will get more attention and trust if they are highly ranked in LookApp
We need all the help we can get
If you are interested in investing in our project or are willing to offer your knowledge and skills, please contact us!
We need help of specialists in blockchain technology and distributed decentralized global databases architecture, specialists in mathematical analysis and optimization of logical networks topology, linguists, logicians and semantic analysts and artificial intelligence specialists.

If you are a blockchain architect, mathematician, UX/UI designer, front- or backend developer, linguist, QA or DevOps engineer, scrum master or lawyer, marketer, advertising specialist — we are looking forward to seeing you in our team!
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